Do you know, taking selfies with filters affects your mental health?
Posted by badgeNonso on 0

Filters are subtle and not-so-subtle changes in pictures. Even though filters are not bad in themselves, excessive use may be problematic.

Almost every social media app has filters. Even though some can be fun, others change people’s faces radically.

Most filters will change your eye colour, a smaller nose, pink cheeks, slimmer face and fuller lips. Not to mention the fact that they eliminate pimples, and wrinkles and smoothen out the face.

How filters affect your mental health

1. Snapchat dysmorphia or selfie dysmorphia

All these have caused what is called Snapchat dysmorphia or selfie dysmorphia. This mental condition is dissatisfaction with self, caused by social media.

In an exclusive report obtained by the Wall Street Journal, it was reported that 32 per cent of teen girls felt bad about their bodies and Instagram made them feel worse. Some had suicidal thoughts that could be traced to Facebook and Instagram use.

2. Makes people consider plastic surgery

Many people want to look like the version filters project. It has also been discovered that most people who want to get plastic surgery usually do so with a face-tuned or photoshopped body of themselves as the template.

3. Using filters affects self-esteem

Most people who use filters may have low self esteem and quite a number of insecurities. If you have low self-esteem, selfies reinforce the idea that there is something wrong with the way you look and you can look better.

Plus, many people want to use this filtered image of themselves to receive validation and acceptance from people online.

4. Creates unrealistic standards of beauty

Excessive social media use on its causes our standards of beauty to change to mirror the celebrities and influencers we see looking gorgeous and near perfect in their pictures.

This causes us to experience dissatisfaction in our lives and bodies even though most of their pictures are heavily edited even with the ton of makeup they wear.

What’s the solution?

Post more pictures of yourself in your natural state – flaws and all. By accepting that the standards perpetuated on social media are exaggerated and unrealistic, we can rid ourselves of the perfection mindset.

Taking care of your skin and wearing better clothes is not a bad thing! Instead of taking the information as negative feedback on your appearance, use it to improve your dressing and your skincare routine.

Finally, take regular breaks from social media, it isn’t real life, and no one looks perfect all the time.

You can’t carry a filter everywhere you go, and you certainly don’t wanna be a catfish. So, learn to accept yourself with your flaws.