[Music] Tatiana Manaois – I Adore You
Posted by badgeRaphael 16
Tatiana Manaois – I Adore You

Talented Singer, Tatiana Manaois Comes through with a brand new single tagged "I Adore You". As expected, she made and delivered this beautiful piece in an acoustic style; soft and mindblowing.

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Phiwa  (Aug 08, 2024) 
I Love❤💯the music🔥🔥
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Kiana  (Mar 08, 2024) 
Love your music sweetie may favorite
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Anonymous  (Apr 11, 2023) 
I love u Tatiana Manaois
2 like
Hãryõ Mîdê ? 6  (Jan 29, 2023) 
Keep up the good work
This songs takes me in mood

Love you tatiana
2 like
Pidson  (Nov 16, 2022) 
I takes me in mood
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Hãryõ Mîdê ?  (Jan 29, 2023) 
like like  Reply 8736 reply 1 like
Prinxe  (Oct 10, 2022) 
I love it
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Prinxe  (Oct 10, 2022) 
I love it
1 like
Nervous  (Jul 25, 2022) 
The way she sings.she makes me remember my girlfriend who used to love me the way I am and I love her so much. I don't know if I can forget her memories.her name is Brita. I play for you baby I hope we can see each other.tatian's music is the best music like to eye
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Lucian  (Oct 06, 2022) 
We all Tatiana is one of the best but she's no where near Blackpink
So calm down
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Petronella  (May 01, 2022) 
It calms me down
3 like
Nervous  (Jul 25, 2022) 
As for me she makes .me remember someone I used to love
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Lucian  (Oct 06, 2022) 
like like  Reply 4881 reply 0 like
Natasha  (Nov 25, 2022) 
Keep up good work Tatiana...same here
like like  Reply 6634 reply 1 like
Natasha  (Nov 25, 2022) 
Keep up good work Tatiana...same here
like like  Reply 6635 reply 2 like
Ace shepherds  (Apr 13, 2022) 
She sings me to sleep,IAM a huge fan, keep up the good work Ms Manaois
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